The purpose of this site…


… is to collect information’s about astronomy, my DIY projects as well as images I have taken with my scope and cam.

Use the links on top of the page to navigate through my personal stuff. The links on the right are all linked to external pages.

Weather Underground PWS IWIENWIE62

Oh Lord…

… I am able to continue my work. After a long summer where I was forced to do nothing but waitin’…

Tomorrow Monday I will send the stepper motor and focuser brackets for 3D printing.

Need to order new belts cause everything changed after drawing and constructing the motor brackets.

Target of full automation is still far away…

Arduino ASCOM Focuser

Spending the last month with gathering informations about the Arduino ASCOM Focuser from Rob Brown. Prerequisits finished. Will order all the elctronic parts after Easter holidays. Build a prototyp first with stepper motor and driver board from my Arduino kit. Lots of things to consider, not everything is clear. A prototyp will definitly help.

After the prototyp building I will build the final version with better stepper motor and motor driver.